
10 Downing Street.facebook.com.

In the age of social networking it was just a matter of time before the Politicians got in on the act. Boris Johnson set the ball rolling with his Twitter account, through which he charmed and delighted his 400k plus followers and every politician jumped onto the bandwagon. The latest of which is PM Mr Cameron, however it would appear most of his followers do so simply to abuse him. However its the "10 Downing Street" Facebook page which is gaining the most attention.
I must commend the page for demonstrating exactly how many idiots this "Great" country holds, considering education is free here, it surprises me the amount of people who clearly opted out of receiving one. Spelling and grammar aside, the ignorance of the pages posts is astonishing. However I'm sure the editors of The Sun and The Daily Mail sleep easy in the knowledge that their bullshit is being swallowed by the masses.
I thought I'd address some of the most illuminating posts i have read;

1.  "When maggie thatcher dies wen maggie thatcher dies, were gona hav a party gona hav a party gona hav a parrrrrty wen maggie thatcher dies....... Maggie maggie maggie die die die... Jft96"

- Now i recognise Lady Thatcher, yes Lady, morons, made some serious mistakes, but as Martin Luther King stated "I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy". A party for the death of Lady Thatcher? Shes hardly a murderer. 

2.  "So soon we'll be allowed 2 kick shit out of burglars in r homes? Well at least u got something right!"

- Not quite mate, you may want to check the specifics of the law first. 

3. "Dear Mr Cameron, local idiot Barry Thew gets 8 months in prison for wearing an offensive t-shirt mocking the death of police officers, Yet Emdadur Choudhury burned a Poppy on Remembrance Day and recieved a £50 fine. Explain?"

- Because of course, it is only the Muslim community who ever escape prison sentences. The punishment is down to the judge so unless both cases were tried by the same judge, the cases are incomparable. Its funny that the papers only ever report Muslims getting away "scott free" and neglect to mention the thousands of hateful "English" who also walk away free. 

4. "JUST RESIGN dont ya think that would work ?"

- Of course. I would prefer Nick Clegg to run the country over David Cameron, or should the entire government walk out? I'm fairly sure after a day of anarchy you'd be crying for the Government to return. Democracy is wasted on those who have it.  

5. "So if you drug deal you get 10 years but if you rape a child you get 3 years? Sort yourselves out seriously."

- And where did this fabulously smart women get her information? A Facebook group. Must be the truth then. Because the users of Facebook never, ever lie.

6. "When are you going to make the UK a safer place for our children?? Every newspaper I read these days is full of stories about beasts hurting and abusing children. These paedophiles are getting worse because sentencing in our joke of a country is too lenient. These predators are everywhere, even living next to primary schools!!!"

- Actually there has been no rise in the number of paedophiles and sexual crimes against children, the freedom and wide spread exposure of the press simply makes it seem that way. 

7. "Here's a thought how about bring back hanging for peado's and murderer's cos it cost this country a fortune locking up "lifers" and there's no excusing what some people have done kids can't even play in the street without being snatch'd cos this government is to soft!these people are sick there is no cure or rehabilitating them!so instead of cutting NHS budgets etc why not save a fortune on keeping them locked up??"

- It actually costs more to sentence somebody to death and until there is a way to prove guilt 100% the risk will always be run of killing an innocent person and if even one innocent is put to death, the entire legal system will collapse. What modern, forward thinking society resorts to such medieval punishments? Who gets to decide who lives or dies and what barbaric form of death is chosen? Where is the line drawn? Murder? Manslaughter? Paedophile  Does a battered wife who finally snaps receive the death penalty? & what i ask, happens to the executioner? Who by definition, is a murderer? In countries where the death penalty is in force it does not act as a deterrent, murder rates are as high as ever. Yes, if it was my family who had been murdered I would want that person dead. That does not however make me right. And for some criminals like Ian Brady, death is what they want, Ian Brady is desperate to control his own fate, he wishes to die, if the death penalty were to be brought back, i am fairly sure he would be first in line to receive it. But he wants it. So where is the justice in that? Its also important to remember, murderers are not kicking back in Prisons akin to holiday parks. Lifers spend 23 hours a day in solitary. 

8. "Why do soldiers get 17,000 a year for risking there life and footballers get 100,000 a week for kicking a ball?"

- This is zero to do with the Government, football clubs are privately owned and at liberty to pay whatever wage they wish. 

9. "Who even is the primeminister these days"

- That is a question mate and requires one of these at the end.."?". If you don't know who is in power of YOUR country (you have of course been bleeting about the how this is YOUR country for pages) then you have zero right to complain about how they run it. 

10. "Disney should make a new princess with no hair so that every little girl that is fighting cancer feels beautiful!"

- Then take it up with Disney love. Cameron isn't producing animated children's films as a sideline, hes busy.

11. "I am sick to death of all the posts regarding "benefit scroungers". I have worked full time for 23 years and now find myself on benefits at 39 years old. I fuckin hate it and find it humiliating. No one knows what the future holds for them. For the people in a "secure" job (like I was), be thankful, your one of the lucky ones. One day you might have to sign on yourself or live on shitty temp contracts with no hope of ever finding secure employment"

- I actually commend this post, yes there is a percentage abusing the system, but don't tar everyone with the same brush.

12. "Also when are you going to put a stop to all these polish,czechs etc coming into our country!"

- When people like you start taking the jobs that are available instead of turning your nose at becoming cleaners and painters. When you start appreciating any job and working as hard as the "polish czechs etc" do. 

13. "make anal leagle"

- Over the age of consent it is, nice to see you are triumphing the bigger issues though.

14. "You was born with a silver spoon in your mouth, and i was born with a plastic one up my arse i am better you clegnut"

- I hope your parents sought medical help for that.

15.  "The Muslim population double every 7-years in Britain. By 2030 Britain will have a 40% Muslim population. And who will feed and house them? There is simply nowhere for the British economy to go but a collapse. 32 percent of Muslims on UK campuses believe killing in the name of religion is justified, 54 percent wanted a Muslim Party to represent their world view in Parliament, and 40 percent of young Muslims in the UK want the country to be governed under Sharia law. Time to start sending them back!!!"

- This is my biggest gripe. Most people who are hateful and prejudiced towards Muslims have never even had a conversation with one. You see a hijab or headscarf and assume terrorist and that of course must mean you have the right to attack and abuse every Muslim you see because, you must be doing your country a favour right?
I ask you this, have you read the Qu'ran you assume is full of hate? Or do you trust  the interpretation of the press and the Chinese whisperers spread on Facebook groups? Are you aware of why women wear burkhas? Do you realise that Jesus is mentioned often in the Qu'ran? Do you realise that every religion has spawned extremists? Do you know of the IRA? Or are you just so ignorant you assume that every murder, every attack, every war, every fight and every other fault of the world is down to the Muslim community? Yes, Islam, like all religions, has its extremists, those who peacefully follow the religion will tell you they do not consider these people to be Muslim. Muslims are not forcing "their" laws onto us, they are not forcing us to cancel Christmas or tear down our churches, this is hateful hear say spread by, "TRUE ENGLISH PEOPLE" EDL, BNP etc. Ta Dah!

I am most annoyed by this page because i feel democracy and the freedom of speech is wasted on much of our population. A generation of young adults who know nothing of how the world works yet form opinions based upon made up facts. A stream of papers that print lies and hate and ignite the flames of racism within society. A nation that has been misinformed about a religion since 9/11. Of course, like the rest of the 10 Downing Street i must blame this on, the single mothers, the Muslims, the Pope, The Queen, David Cameron, Polish, Czechs, Russians, Welsh, Scottish, Irish and Victoria Beckham. Because as a nation clearly we are unable to ever make a mistake.
The current Government is attempting to clean up the mess left by the Governments that came before and so on. Yes they are making mistakes. Yes we are struggling in a recession that we don't deserve, but we are far better off than Spain and Greece. I have yet to see one single comment commending the work of those in charge of the Olympics, i see the nation complaining about our boys being sent to war but i have yet to see a single solider complain? Because they are proud to stand for this country but the actions of its inhabitants are shameful. You are provided with an education until you are 18, free healthcare, free prescriptions until 18, a benefit system to fall back on if you lose your job and  a housing system should you become homeless. Heres an idea, compare yourself to a family in Africa and see if your complaints seem as justified. Cameron can not turn the country round in a day, if you don't like what hes doing, use YOUR power, stage a peaceful protest, write a coherent letter to number 10 using, shock horror, a pen and some paper or use YOUR right to vote. The right that your ancestors died to keep for you. That's how you can make a difference, being racist, hateful and offensive with your poor spelling and grammar on a Facebook page? Tht wnt gt u nowhr m8!

Though i will agree with one point. Cameron! Put Freddos back down to 10p. Or the world will explode!

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