Our "newspapers" (and i use that lightly as i relate it to The Daily Mail) will vilify and spread lies about you. They'll claim you've been handed free homes and are living the life of The Beckhams. Should you dare to practice your religion here, wear clothing that you choose that is synonymous with your religion, such as a hijab, a burka or a turban, we will spit at you in the street. We will threaten your homes. We will throw things into your places of private worship and show no respect towards what you believe.
That's the thing about England 2014. You are entitled to free speech, unless we don't agree with it.
The last year has seen a surge in "Britain Only" political parties and followings. By Britain Only i mean, the policy's, ideology's and beliefs that, Britain is being taken over by ethnic minorities who are, "taking our jobs" "killing our citizens" "stealing our benefits" and planning to blow us up at every opportunity.
Sometime, between 9/11, 7/7 and now, we forgot that every religion has its own extremists and we suddenly, began to view those with a different face, a different language, a different color to their skin or a different prayer as an enemy that we must, at all costs, remove from our land. We suddenly are under the belief that every Muslim is a terrorist and on top of that, we can't tell the difference between a Muslim, Hindu or Sikh and so our racism and venomous hatred is directed at them all. We tar them all with the same brush.
What i find obscenely frightening is our press's ability to spread lies, to fan the flames of racial hatred and watch as tensions rise. Without any proof or basis to their story's. With such big social media platforms more people than ever are able to take in the lies. When did it become so widely acceptable to not verify a source? To write whatever you like and spread it as gospel? When did patriotism begin to hold hands with violence, hatred and racism?
Britain First markets itself as this "A patriotic political party and street defence organisation. Here you can join forces with patriots like you".
When did our streets suddenly require a defense organisation?
I have two children, like much of the country i worry about the world they will grow up in. I worry however, that what i fear my children will grow up in is what a high percentage of the population desire. I worry that my children will grow up in a world where religion is practiced is secret and persecuted by masses if they feel what they don't understand is suddenly a threat. I fear my children will be raised in a world where, being different, having different beliefs and cultures will become a dirty thing, it will become a thing people deserve to be punished for.
Basically i worry my children will be raised in a world that has become a picture perfect reflection of exactly what it fears Islam is trying to be.
UKIP are probably the biggest of these political parties. Or as i like to refer to them, "The new BNP"
I am still amazed that in 2014, where we shout our voices worldwide about how freedom in our country, to be what you want, to love who you want, how our men and women are equal, we can have a party whose members have been caught saying that women attending a party were "sluts", that Britain should not send aid to "bongo bongo land", that children born with downs syndrome and spina bifida are a "burden on the state and the family", that homosexuals are "disgusting" and "not normal", that women who wear trousers instead of skirts are showing "hostile behavior".
UKIP are a racist, anti women, homophobic party in nice suits. and just a few weeks ago, they proved they aren't big fans of the freedom of speech either. A twitter user who criticized UKIP polices was visited by a police officer after being reported by a UKIP MP. By that point the criticism had been re-tweeted and re-blogged dozens of times and people with wide audiences who shared it were also asked to take it down.
Whilst i'm criticizing UKIP i might as well also take the opportunity to dissect a few of their policy's myself (and no, i won't be bullied into removing mine). UKIP don't like paid maternity leave. They want to make cuts too TWO MILLION public sector jobs and return spending to that of 1997 in the belief that they will be able to create two million other jobs, potentially thanks to their low tax policy and manufacturing jobs. That is UKIP plan to axe two million jobs without any guarantee they can create more. They want to scrap the Human Rights Act. You know, the one that protects your human rights and ensures you are treated fairly until you are found guilty of a crime? Amongst other things? Yep that one. UKIP don't like it. They want to scrap it and deport what they percieve to be "dangerous terrorists" out of the country. Now, i don't know about you, but if they are dangerous terrorists i prefer they be where we can keep an eye on them.
Everyones worried about losing one of our great institutions, our NHS, its envied by other countries, but UKIP want to franchise it out. They also want to create smoking rooms in pubs. Because thats what our cash strapped and potentially partially franchised out NHS will need, more pressure from smoking related diseases because UKIP are basically, promoting a stick of tobacco that gives you cancer.
UKIP want to pull out of the EU. Now, for those who disagree with the EU, ask yourself this, all our European Trade, do we need that? Absolutely. UKIP put that at risk.
Heres UKIPs scariest policies. They don't agree with multiculturalism. They want asylum seekers from war torn countries who have been savaged and simply seek a safe place to live to be placed into "secure units". They want to increase defense spending by 40% aswell.
Just what are UKIP planning?
See i hate to invoke Godwins Law here, but, its all a bit Nazi isn't it?
Lets build our country and economy up with manufacturing work (totally Nazi), lets increase our defense (very Nazi), lets pull out of the EU and hide away from the rest of the world (super Nazi), lets lock people with different beliefs up in "secure units" and get rid of anybody we think is different (Bingo! Totally Nazi!)
I'm going to end this with some facts for you, because before you go into the polls and vote tomorrow, its important to have all the facts. (Feel free to check them)
- The percentage of Muslims in the UK is 4.6%. Yep. 4.6 percentage. Hardly a takeover is it?
- Illegal Immigrants are not taking "all your benefits and jobs". They are illegal. The clue is in the name. They can't claim a damn thing.
- You can fly your flag. You can eat pork. You can still do all the things you could before the papers told you ethnicities were invading us (which they aren't)
- Subway is a franchised restaurant and pork is only being removed by, Muslim owners in high Muslim population areas because, IT WASN'T SELLING. Are businesses supposed to lose money in order to appease the ignorant masses?!
I'd carry on but i know that for those who pledge undying support to Britain First, UKIP, BNP and EDL. The facts aren't enough. They never will be. Because hate is all they want to see. They are determined to see threats everywhere and believe anything they want to. Unfortunately, the only way people will see the very real truth is if UKIP gain power. By then, it'll be too late. Something tells me UKIP are only friends with democracy whilst they don't have power. Its a shame that, in the name of the soldiers who died for our human rights, our democracy and our freedom, groups like UKIP are gaining power, with polices that would leave our solider, turning in their graves.
My very last note is this, if you don't agree with any party and want to use UKIP as a protest vote. Don't be an idiot. That's cutting off your nose to spite your face. Nigel Farage does NOT understand you. He is not a man of the people. He is a wolf in wolfs clothing pretending hes a sheep.
Its probably too late now, but hopefully, in future, people will start to properly research the party and group they pledge their support too before blindly following. History has taught us that its a huge mistake. Although it seems we are doomed to repeat it.
http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2013/sep/20/ukip-biggest-gaffes, http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2013/mar/07/ukip-policies-manifesto-commitments, http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2014/apr/29/10-good-reasons-not-vote-ukip-nigel-farage-europe
http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2013/sep/20/ukip-biggest-gaffes, http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2013/mar/07/ukip-policies-manifesto-commitments, http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2014/apr/29/10-good-reasons-not-vote-ukip-nigel-farage-europe
Well said.