have a genuine hate for The Daily Mail and its band of merry
supporters for many reasons. An online article posted yesterday
however cemented my belief that this paper needs its press rights
the harrowing story of an 8 day old little boy dying after a single
dog bite yesterday hit the news, most news outlets reported the story
with at least a little compassion and though it baffles me as to why
this story should even have been given press access considering the
tragic circumstances and trauma I am sure it will cause the family. I
am at least thankful that places like the BBC didn't take on this
story in the way The Daily Mail did.
Daily Mail or Daily Fail as it is less than affectionately referred
to by its critics reported this story with not a hint of compassion
and its follow up article today showed little remorse.
photos from the victims Twitter feed which were completely unrelated
to the story, removed from the context in which they were originally
posted and in my opinion an attempt to question the maturity of the
child's parents. Because as we all know if there’s one thing the
Daily Fail hates it would be young parents, (parents and children in
any shape or form actually)
Daily Fail continued on using tweets from the young mother,
indicating that she was a part time model, unsure of her relationship
with the baby’s father and even contributing details about the size
of the house the family lived in. Completed with a comment from a
neighbour, claiming the dog was always vicious and the input of
experts who know that Jack Russell dogs will become jealous of new
baffles and angers me is why the paper think they have the right to
invade the grieving families privacy this way? In such depth? Mere
hours after the death of their beloved son. Surely this family are
suffering enough without having their private lives pulled apart and
splashed all over the internet by The Daily Mail.
at the end of the article the Daily Mail added the families statement
asking that they be left to grieve in peace. Ironic that the paper
printed this after invading the girls Twitter and Face-book feeds and
printing entirely irrelevant information about her life. I applaud
the 3 reporters on such a poor peace of journalism, and I use that
term loosely and ask them this; how they justify their actions?
greedy desperation of this paper is disgraceful and shameful.
PCC needs to take a serious look into the methods of this paper and
its actions. This being just one of many stories the Daily Mail deems
fit to print that the rest of the rational population find
Daily Mail also should consider removing the “comments” option
from their website, whilst they state that certain comments are not
allowed, it is in poor taste to allow its heartless readership place
judgement on a situation they know nothing about.
Daily Mail exploits and invades the private lives of so many of its
subjects. Though by law it withholds printing its actual opinions
they are always obvious in the way the articles are presented. It
doesn't take a genius to get the gist of the Mails opinions.
hope (but remain doubtful) that the Mail takes a step back and leaves
this family alone to grieve in peace.
Make your own mind up here:
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