
Westboro Baptist Church of Hate.

Westboro Baptist Church are infamous in much the same way of the Nazis.
Infact they share many of the same twisted views. They are an organisation (a term i use loosely) i have followed with disgust, disdain and morbid fascination since first discovering them in 2007, thanks to a shocking documentary from Louis Therox. The Church, boasting around 40 members, mostly from the same family, follows "Primitive Baptist and Calvanist principles". Translated? Westboro hates almost everything from homosexuality, Jews, any other Christian denomination and any other religion or teaching. 
It would be far quicker to name what the church doesn't hate; itself. Led by Fred Phelps the church is independent, based in Topeka, Kansas and can be found via the hateful little shrove that is www.godhatesfags.com. (Fags being a derogatory term for a homosexual). Under the (delusional) belief that they are spreading Gods hate the Church spends most of its time and money picketing, standing in predomiant locations with hateful signs and declaring heinous opinions. Infact the Church maintains that it pickets 6 locations a day and has done so in all 50 states. Much of their energy is devoted to homophobia with most pickets staged at funerals of military personnel and funerals guaranteed to attract media attention. 
Westboro is simply salivating at the very thought of media attention. The chance to beacon their abhorrent "message" to the masses. This has led to many cases of the church being sued and counter suing in return. Under the protection of excersing the right of free speech Westboro have been present at dozens of funerals, there are photos this year of students forming a human wall to keep the Church away from such events. Most recently following Fridays devastating massacre in Connecticut, Westboro have declared plans to picket vigils and funerals for the victims. I had thought that the Church could not disgust me any further, but it would appear they still have the ability to surprise. Whilst the world has flooded Sandy Hook with messages of love and sympathy Westboro have expressed the following opinions which can only be described as pure evil. That God himself sent the "shooter to CT" because the USA has "used schools to teach babes to defy God" with hashtags such as #thankgodforthenewtownshooting and #childrenwithnohope.
So i direct the following to you, Westboro, your deluded followers and your Minister of hate; it is your children who have no hope. Your innocent children, who stand on roads and at funerals with messages they don't understand. Children who are placed in danger when violence is directed toward you. Hate is not in human nature, hate is taught and in your case it is cultivated, like a virus, destroying the minds of your children.
I belong to no church, follow no religion and claim no God at the moment, but i believe one thing, religion is peaceful, it is not hateful, God in whatever form/forms is loving and kind not vengeful. You are not loving or kind. You have no compassion and follow a God of hate. You lack empathy. You were born and raised in a church of malevolance and so it has become you.
Like a terrorist you take the words of a holy book and twist them for your own venomous ideals. I am confident that the people of Connecticut will keep you from those funerals and vigils because humans (yourselves aside) possess incredible amounts of love and compassion. I am even more confident that when i die, i will not burn in hell for the life i lead, for my beliefs, for being pro homosexuality, for my acceptance of all colour, creed and religion (bar yourselves of course) for being in awe of the "antichrist" Obama or my refusal to stand on a flag or burn a Quaran. I sleep soundly in the knowledge that my soul is safe from your non existent and vengeful God. You however, will one day be faced with the realisation that you have wasted your lives on these delusions, much like Hitler and Himmler before you, i am only sad i will not get to see your spiteful souls react to that. In the meantime i stand behind calls to have you recognised as a hate group in the hope it may silence you. 
Wishful thinking maybe, for now i will do what the rest of the world should also do; i will ignore you, without the attention you so desperately desire (is that not a sin? Tut tut) you will be unable to infect anybody else. Because that is what you are, an infection, a cancer of the worst kind.

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